(This post combines all information I previously published in many, much smaller posts, condensed in to one.)
Adrenal dysfunction. Yep. I not only have hypothyroidism, but I also have adrenal issues. Ahh, it’s never-ending is it?!
I was kept not properly treated for my hypothyroidism for so long, because I was put on a thyroid medication that didn’t work for me, Levothyroxine, a T4- only medicine, which contributed to my adrenals struggling. You can read more about how this occurs here.
I confirmed I had adrenal issues by doing a 24 hour saliva cortisol test. I had elevated cortisol 24/7.
I am currently reading about the things I can do to recover from adrenal issues, such as changes in diet, supplements, reducing stress etc.
Once my adrenal issues are fixed, or close to, I am hopeful I may start to see my last hypothyroid symptom go – the fatigue and poor stamina. Although it has gotten better on NDT, it’s not fully fixed, but I will find a way.
My thyroid test results still read well, and I am on 2 grains of NDT a day. I feel pretty good. NDT has given me my life back, that’s for sure. I am continuing to make lifestyle changes to support my adrenal health, such as improving my diet, sleep, changing exercise to more restorative and reducing my stress levels.
I’m looking at taking some vitamin C supplements as many sources say Vitamin C levels being topped up is also important when healing your adrenals.
I’ll keep you posted.
I am going to start the format of these ‘General Update’ blogs now, to differentiate them from my more informational articles, and give updates on my personal health journey.
Also remember that you can keep up to date with my personal health journey via Instagram, too. My Instagram is updated with realtime updates and you’ll be able to follow along as and when everything happens over there!
You can click on the hyperlinks in the above post to learn more and see references to information given.
Read the next blog in this series.