General Updates / My Adrenal Health Updates / My Personal Experiences / Solving My Acne

General Update #12

Read the last blog in this series.

I’m now two and a half months in to being gluten-free (again!) and after a few requests, I thought I’d do an update on how I’m doing.

The acne is still much improved compared to a few months ago, and I do believe that this is hugely down to being gluten-free.

I believe that I’m sensitive to gluten, which, when eaten, causes inflammation in my body and this causes/contributes to my high cortisol (adrenal dysfunction). I have already been told by a naturopath that high cortisol depletes your progesterone, causing oestrogen dominance, which I had confirmed through my testing a month ago. And excess oestrogen can cause issues such as acne, irregular periods and almost constant PMT. I did have all these a few months ago but they’ve all gone since being gluten-free. I’d been gluten-free for a few weeks when I had my first on-time period in ages, and since then, I’ve had two more that have arrived on the expected day. I’ve had a 31 day cycle for two or three consecutive months now.

I’ve been tracking my basal body temperature, using a BBT thermometer placed in my mouth upon waking every morning, to gauge when I ovulate so I know when to use the progesterone cream. I’m only using the cream in my Luteal Phase to support when I should be progesterone dominant and I’m using one small scoop/a quarter of a teaspoon of cream twice a day, alternating where I apply it (face, neck, chest, abdomen, shoulders, inside arms/wrists). I’m feeling so much more in control of it all now.

Related: Why Taking Your Basal Body Temperature Can Be Useful

A pot of Ona's Natural 10% Concentrated Progesterone Cream

My skin is looking so much better, that I decided to cancel the appointment with the dermatologist in the end as I just didn’t need it. I only have a few small pimples now as most marks are just flat scarring, so it would have been a wasted trip for me, wasted time I’d have had to take off work and a wasted appointment when someone else who really needs it would benefit more. They wouldn’t have been able to do anything for me as it’s cleared up so well since being gluten-free and I explained that over the phone to the snooty receptionist.

In regards to my thyroid health, I upped my NDT again, so I’m now on 2.5 grains (150mg) a day, due to having some lingering fatigue, aches and pains, itchy scalp and from taking my basal body temperature, where I saw that my average temperature is quite a bit lower than ‘normal’. I upped this a few weeks ago now and feeling fine so far.

I feel like my adrenal dysfunction is probably not doing too well since I’ve had a lot of parties lately and ate a lot of processed food which is no doubt stressing them out. It’s also been a stressful month with changing jobs and my anxiety took a huge spike. I’m planning to retest my adrenals with another 24-hour saliva test in a couple of months. I really hope it’s at least come down a little bit. You can order adrenal testing from here and here.

Another step I’ve taken to try and help the sex hormone imbalance is using a water bottle free of any endocrine disruptors like BPA and Phthalates, as I drink so much water every day but I was always drinking it from a plastic bottle.

In general, I’m doing well.

Do remember that you can keep up to date with my personal health journey via Instagram. My Instagram is updated with realtime updates and you’ll be able to follow along as and when everything happens over there!

Read the next blog in this series. 

How is your health doing at the moment?

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About Author

Rachel Hill is the highly ranked and multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, writer, speaker and author behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism. Her thyroid advocacy work includes writing articles, authoring books, producing email newsletters and speaking on podcasts and at events about the many aspects thyroid disease affects and how to overcome these. She is well-recognised as a crucial and influential contributor to the thyroid community and has a large social media presence. Her bestselling books include "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate" and "You, Me and Hypothyroidism".