Book Reviews

Book Review: i see in words by Carly Jennings

I felt very lucky to receive a copy of i see in words, a book of poems around living with a thyroid condition (as well as other chronic illnesses).

i see in words book reviewIt was a great book to flick through with a cup of tea and many of the poems resonated with me.

The book i see in words is written by writer, poet and chronic illness advocate Carly Jennings. Living with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, ME, adrenal issues, POTS and more, Carly began penning poems around the belief that beauty can exist in darkness and with the wish to turn her challenging experiences in to something useful, creative, honest and unique.

The topics her book covers include not only her health conditions, but also thoughts on self care, time spent on social media, relationships, reading and the power within yourself. I have included some of the poems I really related to, below.

i see in words book review i see in words book review i see in words book review

The book is split in to two parts, with one part containing all of the poems and the second part covering Carly’s health journey and personal experiences of putting the book together.

You can read through the book in one or two settings, or pick it up and read poems in isolation. Some poems would linger in my head and come back to me as I went about my day.

Overall, it was a really thought provoking, spiritual read.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon on the link below.

See it on Amazon here.

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About Author

Rachel Hill is the internationally acclaimed and multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, writer, speaker and author behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism. Her thyroid advocacy work includes authoring books, writing articles, public speaking, appearing on radio, TV and podcasts, as well creating as her popular weekly email newsletters. She has also been a board member for both The American College of Thyroidology and WEGO Health, and a council member for Health Union. Rachel has worked with and been featured by UK thyroid charities, The National Academy of Hypothyroidism, The BBC, Yahoo, MSN, ThyroidChange and more. She is well-recognised as a leading thyroid health advocate in the thyroid community and has received multiple awards and recognitions for her work and dedication. She lives in the UK, however, advocates for thyroid patients worldwide. Her bestselling books include "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate", "You, Me and Hypothyroidism" and the children's book "Thyroid Superhero".