Jules Chandler, Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist, who ran a successful clinic for thyroid patients and became known as ‘The Thyroid Expert’ worked on this book, Thyroid Disease in a Nutshell for years. She wanted to get it just right and by that I mean: like no other thyroid book.
Jules knew that she wanted to create the book she wishes she had at the start of her thyroid journey, one that made it easy to understand her thyroid condition, while also fun to read and witty along the way.
A thyroid patient herself, Jules starts the book by introducing herself as a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist int he UK, while also a self confessed ‘geek’ and ‘oddball’.
Her style of writing is very down-to-earth and relatable, as she shares that even as a nutritionist and expert in thyroid health, she still loves to binge TV with popcorn and struggles to manage life commitments without burning out, just like the rest of us. Straight away, you feel like you’re talking to someone relatable.
Thyroid Disease in a Nutshell has twenty chapters, all very short in length, so that you can dive in and out as you please. I appreciated how concise and to the point they were.
Chapters cover the thyroid gland and what it does, what Jules does in her work as The Thyroid Expert, why we can still have symptoms on thyroid medication, the TSH test, the importance of gut health, stress, diet (the big gluten-free debate) and more.
The book is also peppered with amusing illustrations, doodles and handwritten parts which truly makes it unique.
Jules has a knack for explaining all the usual thyroid jargon in an amusing, easy to understand and retain way, so if you’ve tried other thyroid books, only to feel overwhelmed (or thrown them at walls out of frustration, like Jules says she did) then this book could be a great place to start instead. It covers a lot of the basics, so those who are already deeper in to the understanding of thyroid conditions and related issues may not gain much from it, but for those newer to it all, it’s a very non-overwhelming place to start.
You can get a copy of this book from Amazon.