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Have you just been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism or other kind of thyroid disease?

Do you want to learn more about it?

Do you still feel unwell?

You’re in the right place. I’ve got you. I’ve created this page to get you started without overwhelming you. I know what thyroid brain fog and fatigue is like!

These Are the Most Frequently Asked Questions:

A Book To Make it Easy

Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate Book Tired Girl

My book Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate: When You’re Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired is also for thyroid patients who are new to understanding their hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid or Hashimoto’s. It puts all of the need-to-know information in one place and explained really simply.

Easy peasy!

Other Things To Help:

See my ‘How I Can Help You’ page for even more resources.