Blood Test Review / Informational Posts / Lifestyle / My Personal Experiences

Review of Monitor My Health’s Home Thyroid Blood Test


I’m no stranger to ordering my own testing. Since being a thyroid patient, I’ve ordered and completed many which have helped me keep on top of my thyroid health. The relatively new testing company Monitor My Health, who offer finger prick home tests and is run by the NHS, using NHS staff and labs, stands apart from others. All profits also go back into delivering NHS services.

Monitor My Health contacted me after the birth of my first baby in March 2020, to ask if I’d be interested in reviewing their service. Needing to test my thyroid levels again to see how I was doing postpartum, the timing worked well.

I ordered their thyroid finger prick test online and received it just two days later. Ordering was easy and simple.

Their ‘Thyroid‘ test checks: TSH, Free T3 and Free T4 for £29 which is great value and being run by the NHS, ensures you accurate results and ones your GP will recognise.

Monitor My Health Thyroid Test

When my kit arrived (it fit through the letterbox), I read through the instructions that came with it and got myself prepared. It suggested using my little finger but I started with my middle finger as based on previous experiences, I get the best blood flow using a finger prick on my middle and ring finger.

The finger prick is done with lancets, which you press on to a finger to create a simple prick with minimal pain. This kit contains two lancets and I needed to use both. I’d recommend having some tissue close by before starting as the blood drops can get a little messy and catch you off-guard! I also had my husband help me to get the blood drops into the tube as I was making such a mess! I would have liked extra lancets as the two were only just enough for me.

Monitor My Health Thyroid Test Monitor My Health Thyroid Test Monitor My Health Thyroid Test

My advice for getting a good blood drop flow is to not be hesitant with the finger prick and give it a firm press. It really isn’t any more painful than a paper cut but getting a good prick of the finger makes collecting your sample quick and easy. I also had a hot shower just before doing the test to help get my blood pumping and easier to draw.

Everything I needed to collect my sample and send it back to the lab was included with the kit. I posted my kit back the same day and received my results via the online dashboard a few days later (I received an email directing me to results). They were displayed easily and with commentary. I liked how the results were marked on a chart to show where they fell in reference to the ranges.

Monitor My Health Thyroid Test

I took my test results to my GP and had them added to my NHS record so they can be used in the ongoing management and treatment of my hypothyroidism. He was supportive of the extra information. Overall, the Monitor My Health service was quick and simple to use and very effective.

You can find this test kit on their website, as well as others for Vitamin D, Cholesterol, diabetes, heart health and more.

What do you think of this testing option? Let me know in the comments.

About Author

Rachel Hill is the internationally acclaimed and multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, writer, speaker and author behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism. Her thyroid advocacy work includes authoring books, writing articles, public speaking, appearing on radio, TV and podcasts, as well creating as her popular weekly email newsletters. She has also been a board member for both The American College of Thyroidology and WEGO Health, and a council member for Health Union. Rachel has worked with and been featured by UK thyroid charities, The National Academy of Hypothyroidism, The BBC, Yahoo, MSN, ThyroidChange and more. She is well-recognised as a leading thyroid health advocate in the thyroid community and has received multiple awards and recognitions for her work and dedication. She lives in the UK, however, advocates for thyroid patients worldwide. Her bestselling books include "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate", "You, Me and Hypothyroidism" and the children's book "Thyroid Superhero".