My Personal Experiences / News

The Invisible Hypothyroidism Won a Social Health Award

Social Health Awards Winner

As my husband and I tuned in to the Social Health online awards event, PJ’s on, homemade pizza in hand and our two children snoozing in bed, they announced I was the winner for the award “Social Media Master” my audience had nominated me for last month.

Social Health Awards Winner

I was really stunned to win again (I won a WEGO Health Award in 2020 too) and have my efforts across social media recognised in particular.

After all, social media is such a powerful tool in reaching more undiagnosed people with thyroid issues, getting more of us tested and treated sooner, and spreading awareness of symptoms, as well as treatment options and empowering others to advocate for themselves in the doctor’s office and their day to day lives.

Even more so as a parent constantly juggling to fit my work in to each and every day right now.

Hypothyroid Mum

It’s not always easy to explain what my work is, as it encompasses so much and is always evolving to serve the thyroid patient community. I’m an author of books, a writer of website articles, blogger, content creator, I produce both free and paid-for email newsletters, I appear on podcasts, radio and tv, I’m a board member for  and I run a Facebook support group for thyroid patients (with my incredible team of moderators) with over 100,000 people in… Patient advocacy is a passion.

A passion because I’ve seen the change it can bring. Thyroid disease is vastly misunderstood, often ignored, belittled and shrugged off.

🦋 It is NOT always an easily treatable condition.

🦋 It is not always easy managed (flares are real).

🦋 Treatment options are limited for most people. Many people are then stuck living an awful quality of life.

🦋 It is a lonely disease. Or at least I found it to be when I was first diagnosed; suicidal, told my health would never recover as I struggled to maintain in work and needing Adam to help me walk up stairs at just 21-years-old. I hope the work I’ve done in the last 7 years has made it even a little less lonely for some as we continue to share experiences and help others recover their quality of life, too.

So thank you. It’s lovely to be considered for an award and just mind blowing to be recognised by winning it.

Social Health Awards Winner
Going from being in such poor health with Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, to thriving in life again and sharing that with other thyroid patients, has been one heck of a ride these past 7 years.
Thank you to all who took the time to vote and nominate me for these awards.
About Author

Rachel Hill is the highly ranked and multi-award winning thyroid patient advocate, writer, speaker and author behind The Invisible Hypothyroidism. Her thyroid advocacy work includes writing articles, authoring books, producing email newsletters and speaking on podcasts and at events about the many aspects thyroid disease affects and how to overcome these. She is well-recognised as a crucial and influential contributor to the thyroid community and has a large social media presence. Her bestselling books include "Be Your Own Thyroid Advocate" and "You, Me and Hypothyroidism".

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